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Beyonce and JayZ attended the New York City Rally in support of Trayvon Martin!

I have to say its great to see celebs like Beyonce and Jay Z take the time from their busy schedules to support a good cause. Rev. Al Sharpton and other activists came together to take a stand and protest the ‘Stand Your Ground’ law in Florida which led Zimmerman to walk free last week.

According to reports, Al Sharpton told the crowd that Jay and Bey were not there to speak or for a photo opp. They were solely there to show their support:

Jay Z and Beyonce said they didn’t want to speak and they didn’t come for a photo op. Beyonce put a beautiful message up on Instagram. Let me tell you, that before a lot of you were down, Jay Z always supported us.

Jay Z told me, ‘I’m a father. Beyonce is a mother.’ We all feel the pain and apprehension — the laws must protect everybody, or it doesn’t protect anybody. We do not come from hate, we come from love of children.

Trayvon Martin had the civil right to go home that day….

and its such a shame that he didn’t!

RIP Trayvon Martin

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