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‘Im a terrible, terrible, terrible celebrity’….

We know, Kanye. You don’t have to do any explaining….but Kanye wouldn’t be the Kanye West  we all love or hate if he didn’t get on stage and rant about everything he goes through!

Today, Kanye is still very heated about his date with the pole…he made time at his surprise show at the Roseland Ballroom in NYC to lash out on the paparazzi for catching his embarrassing moment.

According to Kanye the cameras serve as a distraction from making “real music” but the real woman that he fell in love with or decided to knock up LOVES the spotlight… her livelihood is made off cameras following her every move….so he knew exactly what he was getting into once he hooked up with his girlfriend right?!…he obviously thought it was worth it!

Last night Kanye went on and on and on and on for about 4 LONG MINUTES! Does this mean he and Kim aren’t gonna work out…..are they officially over?!

West however, never mentioned Kim in his rant…but he did make sure to state that he absolutely REFUSES to mock his rocky relationship with the paps when he appears on “SNL” this weekend because “it’s not a joke.”

On another note….what the hell is Kanye doing performing in a pyramid for?!


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