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The more we learn about the terrorist in the Boston Marathon bombing, the more clearer the reason is on why they did it.

Tamerlan Tsarnavev’s ex girlfriend Nadine Ascencao is now speaking out about her abusive relationship with him. She revealed how demanding he was of her to convert to Islam culture and how she lost her virginity to him which may have help blind her from his manipulative nature.

She began to tell us how he wanted her to convert..

“He became extremely religious and tried to brainwash me to follow Islam. Tamerlan said I couldn’t be with him unless I became a Muslim. He wanted me to hate America like he did.”

Nadine states that Tamerlan would lash out at her when she didn’t agree to convert to Islamic ways and wear clothes that he approved.

“He hated my tight trousers and made me wear long skirts. Towards the end I was wearing a hijab. He once ripped a pair of my jeans and hit me in the face with them. Tamerlan told me I should only talk to Muslim girls, not other ‘slutty’ girls.”

Tamerlan began to talking to Katherine Russel (who is now his wife) throwing her in Nadine’s face to help motivate her to convert to Islamic ways.

“He once made me learn a verse of an Islamic prayer and if I got it wrong he’d say, ‘Well Katherine can do it.’”

Nadine didn’t seem a bit surprised when she heard about the bombing. She was more surprised about his brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s role in the bombing.

“I was more shocked Dzhokhar was involved. He was a nice kid.”

Manipulation can sometimes get the best of us! Hopefully more people speak out about these terrorist so we can learn more about what led to the bombings.


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