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Pop/R&B veteran Usher and his protege Justin Bieber make for a hot duo on the cover of Billboard Mag. During the photo shoot Usher and JB share the greatness of their student-teacher relationship.

“He’s always been a dope MC,” Usher says of the singer he discovered on YouTube. “”Boyfriend” was really the defining moment; it became No. 1 everywhere, which is what dreams are made of. Both of us are being modest about what our journeys have been in terms of songwriting: Justin really has participated in every writing session- that’s amazing.
It’s easy to just dial something in, but if you make the music authentic, people feel connected to you as an artist from the beginning.”

This year we get both Ursher and Bieber to perform on May 20th for the Billboard Awards fans are anticipating their latest hit singles, ‘Climax’ and ‘Boyfriend’.

Until then, be sure to get into this behind the scenes footage from their Billboard cover and interview:

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