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So another season of American Idol (Season 11) has come and gone and there is a new American Idol and his name is Phillip Phillips. The runner up was Jessica Sanchez who is, an extraordinary singer.

At the finale Jessica sang with Jennifer Holiday and tore up “And I am Telling You.” To tell the truth I was banking on Joshua Ledet, who fell to third place. He had such an amazing sound; reminding me of a great gospel sound. When he sang James Brown’s “This is a Man’s World” he received a standing ovation from the crowd and everyone else at American Idol. He definitely had my vote, I was screaming and shouting in my home while watching that amazing performance. I was totatlly surprised when he was voted off and Phillip Phillips and Jessica Sanchez were still in it. I was not surprised that Jessica was still there but YES I was surprised that Phillip was still in it.

Ryan Seacreast said that there were over 135 million votes; somebody wanted Phillip Phillips….America did….don’t forget the show is called American Idol!

What do you think, did America get it right? Check out their performances below:



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