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Octo-mom seems to have clearly lost it! This past Thursday Octo-mom freaked out because she thought that, one of her many kids were missing after being dropped off at home by a school bus. The funny thing is, Octo-mom forgot she was the one who picked up her son! ((WOW SLOW MOMENT))

Once she got home, her son was taking into care under his nanny and went to take his daily nap, which then drove Octo to contact her son’s school because she was for certain that she had no clue to where her son was. The school contacted the police because the bus driver stated that HE SAW her personally welcome her son home.

The cops then arrived to Octo-mom’s home, and witnessed themselves that her baby boy was napping, while she insistently claimed that someone else dropped him off.

We all know that having many kids at once can be a handful and some, but whatever drugs she on clearly has her out of it!!


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