Orlando Shaw has made the news and broke a record…..
Orlando is only 33 years-old and he has 22 children by 14 different baby mamas!! And he’s being sued in one of Nashville’s most expensive child support cases…and you won’t believe his excuse for making all dem babies!
“I was young and ambitious, and I love women,” Orlando Shaw told WTVF. “You can’t knock no man for loving women.”
No…What he should have said was ‘I love women…but I hate pulling out.’
Lesson to be learned….Please remember boys, that an extra two seconds of joy can cost you your whole life.
In an interview outside court, Orlando Shaw admitted that he had “lost count” of how many kids he has and also pointed out that although he can’t take care of all his kids….he loves them and still considers himself a good father….Go Figure!
Of course his baby mamas beg to differ, because they have taken Orlando to court over “tens of thousands of dollars” in unpaid support. Shaw said his criminal record makes it difficult for him to find or keep a good job. If he doesn’t cough up the dough soon…. Shaw may end up in jail again.
Check out what more of Orlando has to say in an interview below…..