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matt greinke gets attacked by carlos quentin

How much does throwing a baseball cost?  Well in Zack Greinke’s case they cost millions!  During yseterdays game between the LA Dodgers and San Diego Padres Greinke threw a pitch which hit Carlos Quentin in the shoulder and all HELL BROKE LOOSE!  Quentin charged the mound like he was Ray Lewis trying to sack a quarter back in the Super Bowl.  Both benches cleared, Matt Kemp ran from center field to break the fight up, and when it was all over Zack Greinke limped away with a broken left collar bone!

Carlos Quentin,  Zack Greinke

Things got so heated that Matt Kemp approached Carlos Quentin after the game to a fight but it was luckily broken up before any punches were thrown.  Do you think suspensions are in order?

The two teams meet again in just a few days.  Do you think there will be another brawl?

Check the fight footage and leave your comments below


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