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Joe Walsh

Did Joe Walsh desecrate the I have a Dream Speech?

Its been 50 years since Martin Luther King Jr. marched on Washington with his inspirational, I have a Dream Speech to end racism. While we have come a very long way, it is very true that there is a laundry list of issues that continue to plague the black community…. however rewriting Dr. martin Luther King Jr.’s speech is definitely NOT the way to approach that list.

When you rewrite a speech that dreamed of defeating the evils of racism and change it to a a list of complaints about black people, (even if his argument is legitimate) its just flat out disrespectful to King’s legacy.

Today Joe Walsh, a white conservative raised some hairs and eyebrows when he remixed Martin Luther King Jr’s speech with issues in the black community.

On his radio show billed as “My Own Dream For America,” Listen to what Walsh had to say on his show’s website below:

Of all the commentators who have been asking whether King’s dream has been achieved, FOX News’ Juan Williams seems to be the only one with whom I agree. When asked by Chris Wallace if the dream has been fulfilled, Williams noted that there isn’t, “any question that [African Americans] have come along way,” before importantly pointing out that blacks have to address the problems that are created within their communities. “I think that if you look at the realities of today, you’ve got to talk about things like family breakdown,” Williams said. “You’ve got to talk about the fact that 70 percent of black children today are born out of wedlock. I think Dr. King would cry.”
I agree with Juan, but instead of invoking King’s legacy to lament about present problems I’ve decided to share my own dream.

I have a dream that all black parents will have the right to choose where their kids attend school.
I have a dream that all black boys and girls will grow up with a father.
I have a dream that young black men will stop shooting other young black men.
I have a dream that all young black men will say “no” to gangs and to drugs.
I have a dream that all black  young people will graduate from high school.
I have a dream that young black men won’t become fathers until after they’re married and they have a job.
I have a dream that young unmarried black women will say “no” to young black men who want to have sex.
I have a dream that today’s black leadership will quit blaming racism and “the system” for what ails black America.
I have a dream that black America will take responsibility for improving their own lives.
I have a dream that one day black America will cease their dependency on the government plantation, which has enslaved them to lives of poverty, and instead depend on themselves, their families, their churches, and their communities.


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