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Catherine Zeta Jones: Trendsetter?


Hollywood—Following the news that previously attractive actress Catherine Zeta Jones has sought treatment for a bipolar disorder, stars in the movie industry are approaching the latest celebrity fad with measured caution, to gauge whether mental health disorder treatment will approach the same level of popularity as alcohol or drug rehabilitation. Jones, who at one point you could describe as “smoking hot” with a straight face, has entered a 30 day treatment program to deal with the disorder. Celebrity analysts thus far haven’t determined whether the disorder has the cache necessary to become a full-blown craze.

“(Jones) is going out on a limb here,” says Dr. Jeff Teal, professor of celebrity studies at USC, “On the one hand, she is doing a 30 day program. That’s nothing out of the ordinary. Everyone from Richard Gere to Lindsay Lohan has done a 30 day stint for something or other. But when you talk about bipolar disorders, that’s a whole new ballgame. She’s risking being seen as just bat-shit crazy, ala Amanda Bynes or shaved-head era Britney Spears.”

Teal says he wouldn’t be surprised to see other celebrities follow Jones into bipolar treatment, but warns celebrity-watchers not to expect the usual parade of suddenly bipolar stars, at least not at first.

“Hollywood is going to have to learn a little bit about bipolar disorders first,” says Teal, “Is it sexy enough? Is this something that could jump start a flagging career? There are so many unknowns at this point. But I tell you what; the minute Sandra Bullock makes a bipolar disorder romantic comedy, the flood gates will open up.”

The impact Jones’s announcement will have on her own stagnant career remains to be seen. The star of Zorro and several other films in which she appeared progressively less attractive has been known primarily in recent years for her marriage to octogenarian actor Michael Douglas. But Teal believes her announcement is a sign that she is preparing a serious comeback.

“In a town known for remakes, retreads and reboots,” Teal says, “It’s refreshing to see an aging actress willing to take a chance on something so original. We can only hope that the treatment includes some kind of work out program. Even a little Botox wouldn’t hurt. And if she comes up with some sort of bipolar disorder bracelet, watch out. Every star in Hollywood will be sporting a mental illness by summer.”


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