Nicki Minaj Performance at the 2012 Grammy’s is one of the most controversial grammy performances since Lady Gaga’s blood dripping performance in 2011. Minaj’s performance included an exorcism of one of her many alter egos, Roman. Nicki says that Roman was born inside of her and he takes over her when she is angry. She has also said ‘He is a demon inside her’. When the Grammy’s reviewed Minaj’s new album, they wouldn’t listen to another song, she says and made clear that she was to perform “Roman Holiday” at the Grammys. Bill Donohue, the President of the Catholic League isn’t accepting this as just a performance, he is very upset with the Grammy’s for allowing this disrespectful performance. “None of this was by accident, and all of it was approved The Recording Academy, which puts on the Grammys. Whether Minaj is possessed is surely an open question, but what is not in doubt is the irresponsibility of The Recording Academy. Never would they allow an artist to insult Judaism or Islam,” he said. Donohue not only had an issue with Minaj’s performance but also had an issue with Minaj’s her Red Carpet appearance — a man dressed up as the Pope and her use of the song “Come All Ye Faithful” as her “lifeless” body levitated over flames and smoke.
It is very questionable as to why the Recording Academy would approve this, is it truly as bad as we think it is? Let us know, leave your comments below!
Posted on
February 16, 2012